COVID-19 Open Biobank Project by Genomelink

Join a movement to fight against COVID-19 with your DNA data

Genomelink’s COVID-19 Biobank & Genotype Database is a non-profit and open research project to fight against COVID-19. Anyone can join the database and contribute to studies
by uploading your raw DNA data and survey answers. The aggregated data will help
researchers to fight COVID-19
Our goal is to understand how host genetics modulate the impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). This non-profit Genomelink project helps empower the scientific research community to address this public health crisis

Participants from all over the world
100+ countries and areas


How it works

Sign up
Upload your DNA
Take survey and you're done
The steps are very simple and easy. You will create an account on Genomelink and upload your DNA to the system. Then, you'll be asked to complete a questionnaire about your COVID-19 status. That's all it takes to contribute to science!

What Do You Get?

Your raw DNA data, Decoded ー 25 Free Traits!

By registering Genomelink and uploading your DNA, you will get 25 genetic trait reports for free. You will be amazed by what your DNA reveals about many aspects of your life — Nutrition, Personality, Intelligence, Fitness, and more. Go way beyond ancestry to unlock unique genetic traits at the forefront of modern genetic science!

A community to fight together ー Weekly project updates

You'll be updated on how your data helps science in a transparent way. We'll keep updating the progress of the project. For example, we will tell you how many members are enrolled, what our research partners are finding, and status updates on the entire project.

Why Genomelink?

Non profit
The Genomelink COVID-19 Research & Biobank project is completely open and transparent. Any individual can join the research and any researchers are welcome to collaborate.
For researchers, we won't ask for any fees or enact strict legal measures to access the data. As long as the aim of the researcher is aligned with our goals, our project offers very quick access to the data.
*The data is fully anonymized and the analysis will be conducted with access control.
The protocol is approved by an IRB committee

Join Researchers in the Fight!

Genomelink’s COVID-19 Research & Biobank project is collaborating with great researchers from all over the world. By accessing the data, these researchers may make a significant impact on the current public health crisis. Your data may be instrumental in uncovering the complexities of COVID and unlocking a cure!
Carlos D. Bustamante
Manuel Rivas
Michelle Thunders
Takanori Kanai

Ready to be a part of a movement?